Most of our native birds are quite shy, and prefer secret, quiet places to raise their young. I have often seen nest boxes placed along busy driveways, next to houses, or outside school playgrounds, and surprisingly they are rarely occupied by the intended species.
I made this mistake with a small selection of nest boxes early on, locating several nest boxes for small birds, Wood Ducks and parrots near the house. None of the parrot or small bird nest boxes were selected. While we did get lucky the second year with a Wood Duck nesting in a nest box right near our back door, our busy weekend activities during our third nest box year frightened a sitting duck off her clutch of 18 eggs in a nest box in the same location. This nest was immediately abandoned – she did not return. This is a known thing (that I only discovered later) for Wood Ducks who are quite shy, if disturbed from their nests while sitting. That is a whole lot of resources wasted by my poor choice of nest box location. Sorry, won’t happen again!

By comparison, Brushtail Possums and Ringtail Possums are not so fussy, we have these snoozing in nest boxes right outside the house.
All of my successful nest boxes for the different bird species are in the quiet woodland at the back half my property, the house is in the front ¼ together with the veggie garden, driveway etc. I creep through the nest box area very quietly on my rounds to check nest boxes, replace wildlife camera cards and batteries, staying well away from nest boxes with sitting ducks.

The sitting Crimson Rosellas get used to my activities gradually, and the one Eastern Rosella parents pretend they are not there at all by never appearing from their box. The Tree Creeper nest box is even further from human action, hidden within a secluded small leafy stand of trees right at the back of our bush property, adjoining everyone else’s quiet bushy properties well away from houses, loud pets and roads.

While some species will use nest boxes no matter how little leafy cover, or close to noisy human activities, other species will only use a nest box or tree hollow if it is in a quiet secluded spot with lots of leafy cover. I have also found that some species will make do with a less-preferred not so secluded spot, but much prefer nesting privacy if that option is available.