Sugar Gliders will use nest boxes with entrances of 40-50mm, of all shapes and sizes from what I can tell. They generally won’t use larger entranced nest boxes, as they are at risk of being harassed or killed by a predator or larger competitor species. A deep nest box is the recommendation, as this will keep them warmer at the bottom away from the drafty entrance of the nest box. Winter time is when they need a warm, draft-free spot to sleep, to conserve energy by staying warm.

You may find that your resident Sugar Gliders choose different spots to sleep during the different seasons. During winter months, they need somewhere warm and cozy. During summer, they need somewhere that doesn’t get too hot. Often this means that different hollows and nest boxes are selected, that have different attributes depending on the season.

Here is a diagram with key design features for all nest boxes.

Here is some information on the different materials to use, or not to use when making your nest box.