This is a fantastic nest box design by Hollow Log Homes, for Barn Owls, but is also the most popular nest box for the nesting Wood Ducks on my property. I have modified this design to be a shorter height, and have a lower entrance, to reduce the risk of ducklings being unable to jump out of the nest box.
They love the landing platform, and the inside is spatious enough to spread out a very large clutch of eggs so they are a single layer, rather than on top of each other. The largest clutch layed so far, by probably three contributing Wood Ducks, is 28 eggs.
Be sure to add a good two to three inches of wood shavings to ensure the eggs don’t get cracked by the mother duck as she is laying her collection of eggs. The hard wood surfaces are pretty harsh on delicate eggs. Deep bedding also assists the ducklings to reach the entrance to jump out when it’s that time.

Here is a diagram with key design features for all nest boxes with a few special exceptions. The climbing groves are not necessary for this nest box design.

Here is some info on the different materials to use, or not to use when making your nest box.