There is much quacking in trees and on the ground around our regenerating woodland property most mornings now, as the local Wood Ducks are congregating at our place to nest.
I have relocated several nest boxes that the Wood Ducks tried to use (and failed for various reasons) last year to new locations all around the property, away from the busy house area. Also one single nest box in use generates less attention from duck egg predators, than three nest boxes on adjacent trees, a problem we had last year also.
So far, every Wood Duck sized nest box has evidence of Wood Duck interest this year. Fingers crossed, if they all are used, that’s quite a lot of ducklings! Just as well I’ve been hard at work reducing our fox population these past months. Our dam duck islands are getting plenty of use by day, and I think a pair of Woods or Pacific Blacks are sleeping on them by night.
I haven’t had a chance to see if any eggs have been laid yet, it’s been a couple of weeks since my last peek. If not yet, it won’t be long now. Winter has been unusually mild here.
Update: we have our first sitting duck of the season, but the others are yet to start laying.